7 Backpacking Tips For Beginners

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Nowadays, good old fashioned traveling is over; the ones where we used to make our travel destination feel like a second home. Packing everything so we would not miss home. These days backpacking is the new trending travel concept. Here, we just grab our bags and pack our essential things and explore the wilderness. If you are a beginner backpacker then there is going to be a lot of confusion on how to approach this. But don’t worry, I am here to give 7 essential backpacking tips for beginners to keep in mind:

Start with your backpack

 Buy a backpack that fits your size perfectly, one that you can carry easily. Try a few and buy the one you are most comfortable with. Things like shoulder straps should be adjustable and the hip strap should come up to your hip. You should be able to lift it when it is full. My suggestion is to buy a rucksack with good back support. This will help you walk comfortably.

Essential things to pack

Here are some essential things you should pack for sure because you will need them at some point of time. Things like a first aid kit, bug protection, and a Swiss army knife can be helpful in tricky situations. You must also carry lip balm, sunscreen, and sunglasses. Pack a flashlight with an extra pair of batteries. If you are going to a remote place then you must also keep a GPS device and some fire starting material with you.

Proper footwear

Investing in good footwear is always a good idea. It is a key part of your backpacking because most of your journey will be on foot. You could either go with a leather hiking shoe or any durable lightweight shoe. Keep socks according to the temperature of the place you are going to. Do not take newly bought shoes. First, use them for a few days or they might be problematic to adjust to in tough terrains.

Pack light

 Pack according to the adventure you want. Do you want to hike just for a few miles and then spend majority of your time at the camping site or do you want to go deep into mountain ranges and jungles? Always keep an extra pair of clothes since you may encounter an unexpected rainfall. Pack your bag in such a way that you would not have a hard time finding your things. Because in such a situation you can get frustrated. So pack in an organized way.

Prepare yourself in advance

 Backpacking is always easy and fun. But if you are a beginner then it might feel difficult. It is not like your old fashioned travel. So you need to be prepared for it - physically and mentally. Start jogging one month before you are planning to go on a backpacking trip(/trek). You can try some shoulder and back exercises. Don’t forget to do some cardio. It will be helpful in rough terrain. If you are a smoker then either quit or reduce it to a minimum. Always remember that it is not a race so take it slow and steady.

Start with an easy one

As a beginner backpacker, always start with an easy hike. Try going out for a weekend getaway. So you can learn as well as adjust to this new kind of adventure. In the first go, choose a destination with an easy terrain with less steep ascends and descends. Do not go to a remote place in the beginning. Always ask your local guide as many questions as you want. Do not stop until you are satisfied. So next time you can do it on your own.

Be prepared for changes

Backpacking is always very unpredictable. It is not like your ordinary travel itinerary. So be ready to accept any change and be quick to adapt to those changes. Research about the area you are going to, because some areas might have extreme changes in weather so you should be ready to endure them. Sometimes, local people might not be very welcoming as you might expect them to so be ready for any kind of change and adapt accordingly.

You are officially ready to go on your first backpacking adventure. Just keep the above discussed tips in mind and you will have a wonderful backpacking experience!

If you want to add any more tips, feel free to share them in the comments section below.

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