Let’s Normalise not Settling for Less

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Is something holding you back from realising your full potential? May be, you're settling for less. Through this blog, you will learn the ill effects of giving in, and understand how you can get what you deserve without giving up on your dreams.

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As individuals, we all want to make the most of our lives, don’t we? We have big dreams, goals and aspirations. However, there’s something we’ve all been guilty of, and that is settling for less. Most of us do it out of habit. We do it only so that we can avoid being alone and feeling lonely. For example, we stay in a bad relationship only to feel safeguarded or we continue working for a low pay scale only so that we have job security. A major reason we do so is because we fear rejection, or are vulnerable.

Most people have at some point in their lives settled for less. There are very few people who are actually aware of their self-worth. When you settle for less, you hold yourself back from enjoying and living your life to the fullest.

Thankfully, a lot of millennials today are mastering the art of not giving in. They are passionate about living a fulfilling life and thus are not settling for less in any aspect of their lives that is their relationships, career or friendships. When people fight for their rights, they’re called all kinds of names. Well, in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with not being okay with anything. In fact, it’s high time we normalise not settling for less.

Not just relationships, if you are not living up to your greatest potential in any area of your life, sorry to say but you’re settling in. It’s the honest truth. Always remember, you are the master of your life and the creator of your happiness. Therefore, never settle for less. Get out of your comfort zone and you will be happier.

a quote saying you deserve everything good under the sun

Why you should Never Settle for Less than you Deserve?

  • You’ll have regrets: When you look back on your life, don’t you feel sad that you settled for less? Well, that little guilt and regret will always be there. The drive to never settle should come from a younger age. If you’re a parent who settled for less all your life, teach your kids not to. Tell them to get after a job they want and ask them to dream big. The day you stop settling, you will also have lesser regrets.
  • You won’t realise your full potential: When you settle for less, you’re living your life with limitations. Whether it is an unfulfilling relationship, career or lifestyle, you let go of the possibility of realising your full potential. Of course, that might bring you contentment. However, being content doesn’t always mean you’re fulfilled. Happiness is vital but leading a complete life is even more important.
  • You’ll make it easy for people to take advantage of you: When the people around you realise that you have a habit of settling for less, they will start taking advantage of you. This can stub personal and professional growth. For example, even at work, you may be given less than you deserve. It might even reach a point where people start using you to fulfil their dreams and goals.

If you don’t want any of these to happen, you need to learn how to never settle for less.

4 Ways to Get what you Deserve

  • Become a controller of your life and destiny

We often hear people tell us that good things take time to happen. Well, they do but you can’t keep waiting, right? If you wait for things to fall in place, you will only end up settling for less. Therefore, remember that patience is never enough. It’s time to switch from the passenger seat to the driver seat. Take responsibility for your actions and become a master of your own destiny. If you hate your job, leave it. If your relationship is toxic, move on and find someone who values you. The problem with most people is that they become complacent too quickly. Instead of waiting for the right moment, seize every opportunity.

  • Raise your standards

You often miss out on certain opportunities because you’ve set a benchmark for yourself. People around you too treat you in your comfort zone. It’s time to get out of it. For example, your boss might not offer you a raise or promotion because he/she knows you and believes you’ll be okay with anything that is put on the table. Well, don’t become that person. Voice your opinion where it is required. Don’t simply accept what is given to you. Instead, raise your standards and know your worth.

  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones

Another significant reason you may be settling for less is because of your self-limiting beliefs. If you constantly tell yourself, you can’t get something, you won’t. The best way to get what you deserve is by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Affirmations can also help you create a new reality for yourself. Believe that you can do it, and no one can stop you.

  • Own your life

Lastly, a proven hack to not fall into the trap of settling for less is owning your life. You’re the only person responsible for your actions, not anybody else. Stop blaming your boss, partner or family member. If something is not working out, don’t take the easy way out and leave. Instead, focus on creating positive change in your life. If you have certain emotions towards your partner, don’t bottle up those feelings. Instead, vent to him/her and focus on working on your relationship. This way you will never settle for less and will end up living the life you always wanted to live.

In this journey of getting to the top, you’ll find a lot of people and naysayers asking you to settle for what you have. They will even suggest you stop stressing out on your dreams. Well, my only piece of advice would be to not to listen to them. You’ve got one life, stop settling for less and go out, and get what you deserve.

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