World Suicide Prevention Day: Tips to Care for the Mental Health of your Loved One

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Highlights This World Suicide Prevention Day, let's make mental health a priority. Know anyone who is struggling to lead a normal life owing to their depression and anxiety? Help them out by using the coping mechanisms mentioned in the blog.

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Every year, World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is observed on 10 September to raise awareness on how suicides can be prevented by taking appropriate action. Year on year, the suicide numbers only seem to grow rather than decline. Stress is a major contributing factor to the increasing suicide rates. People find themselves under a lot of pressure in their personal as well as professional lives. When the intensity of the stress reaches a certain threshold, and they can’t take it anymore, they’re forced to take such drastic steps such as attempting suicide. Nobody can probably fathom what’s going on in the victim’s mind. Suicidal thoughts can crop up in any individual’s mind irrespective of their gender, age or economic background.

Did you know? About 800,000 people die by suicide worldwide every year. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation. Owing to economic distress, there is a sudden spike in the suicide rate. The theme for WSPD 2023 is “Creating Hope through Action”. It aims to serve as a powerful call-to-action and reminder that suicide is not the answer, and through our actions we can encourage hope and strengthen prevention. It also suggests that a little love and care can provide hope to those who are struggling. Lastly, it suggests that suicide is a public health priority.

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How to Support a Loved One who is Struggling with their Mental Health?

You would have noticed that there is an increased discussion around mental health these days. Taking care of yourself as well as others is something that needs to be prioritised. When you nurture your mental health, you can prevent mental illnesses and other physical health problems. The mind and body are interconnected. For instance, managing stress can reduce the likelihood of getting any kind of heart ailment. When our mental health is thriving, our overall well-being is enhanced. If you see a loved one struggling with their mental health, it’s time to extend your support and express concern.

Here's what you can do:

  • Educate yourself

Before showing support to a loved one, it’s important to educate yourself. Mental health is not a one-size-fits-all deal. If your friend or family member has been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, read about the symptoms, causes and treatments. This way, you will be able to help them better. It’s always good to educate yourself on the warning signs of depression and anxiety. These two mental health conditions differ from normal bouts of sadness and worry. Someone with a mental health condition won’t even know they have one until a person who can see visible symptoms points it out. Also, victims usually feel ashamed or embarrassed to bring it up as they often face social stigma.

  • Choose your words wisely

When you’re speaking with someone who has a mental health condition, choose your words wisely. Know what to say to show your support. Phrases such as “I am here for you”, “it’s okay to not be okay”, and “I love you” are things you should be saying. It will give the recipient the feeling that you truly care. What you shouldn’t be saying is “snap out of it”, “get your act together”, or “you’re the root cause”. It will just make them feel duller and more depressed. Before speaking, always put yourself in the victim’s shoes. Think about what he/she must be going through. Being supportive is all about being kind.

If you’re asking questions, make sure they are open-ended. Say, “what don’t you tell me how you’re feeling” instead of “I can see you’re feeling very low”. When your tone and language is neutral, it won’t come across like you’re trying to grill them. When you lend them a non-judgemental ear and a shoulder to cry on, they will definitely feel more rest-assured. You can also tell them that things will get better and probably offer some solutions too.

  • Offer help with everyday tasks

Those suffering from a mental health condition find it incredibly difficult to perform daily tasks, chores or even make basic decisions. Instead of telling them that you’re there when they need you, be more specific. Ask if they need your help with household tasks. You can even offer to take them to a doctor’s appointment. Just showing that you’re there for them can make all the difference. Another way you can prove to be a great friend to your loved one is by celebrating their wins. No matter how small their victories are, celebrate them by getting them a pastry or any other small thing. This can considerably help affirm their feelings of agency and efficacy.

  • Encourage them to seek professional help

Despite all the reading and listening, you cannot help a loved one on your own. While you may be able to extend some emotional support, mental health conditions require medical experts and professionals who are trained to identify the underlying problem. If you know someone who is suicidal, encourage them to book an appointment with a mental health expert. Your loved one might lack the motivation to visit the doctor on their own. You need to give them the push or go along with them. If they’re unsure of what to tell the doctor, you can help them prepare a list of symptoms they’re experiencing. By doing this, they will be in a better position to vent out their feelings.

  • Check in on your loved one

Individuals with mental health conditions often tend to feel lonely and anxious owing to which they might withdraw from friends and family. Make sure you check in on them regularly with a text or phone call. They might not even want to get out of their comfort zone. You can still continue to invite them. Treat them just like you would treat any other friend, and make them feel included.

None of us can be certain about what can trigger a person to consider suicide as an option. As an organisation, if you observe World Suicide Prevention Day, you can raise awareness by holding workshops/seminars, arrange a counselling cell, implement wellness programs and form new policies. Also, before taking steps to safeguard another person’s mental health, you should practice self-help. In the quest of helping someone else, you might also end up feeling anxious. By putting someone else’s needs first, you might end up throwing yourself under the bus. The whole process can be exhausting and time-consuming. Therefore, make sure you’re in the best of your mental and physical health.

Beyond celebrating suicide prevention on one day, there is a dire necessity to remove the stigma surrounding mental health.

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