Yoga Poses to Improve Sleep

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By Bhumika Chitkara

Do you often spend most of your time turning, tossing and switching sides on bed at night? It can be really irritating and can cause other health issues too. Insomnia is a condition where people have a difficult time falling asleep or getting enough sleep. This can lead to anxiety, lack of concentration, hormonal imbalance, weight gain and many more issues. If you are going through the same issues, try these amazing and beneficial yoga poses for sleep and relaxation. Not only insomnia, these yoga poses will help you to stretch your body and relieve all the stress and anxiety you have been holding up!

A woman sitting on yoga mat with joined hands and meditating

1. Child’s pose or Balasana:

If you are suffering from insomnia, Child’s pose or Balasana is one basic asana that can help you improve your sleeping pattern. It is as easy as it sounds, making it perfect for beginners as well. This asana can help in keeping the mind calm and at peace while relieving stress and anxiety

Two women performing yoga

How to do it:

  1. Sit on the ground or on the bed on your knees.
  2. Keep some distance between your legs while touching the toes.
  3. Extend your upper body forward.
  4. Touch your head on the ground.
  5. You can even use pillows to make it more comfortable and easy.
  6. You can choose to leave your arms loose on the sides, in the front or at the back.


2. Butterfly pose:

Butterfly pose or supta bhadrasana not only helps with insomnia but is also one of the best yoga for women’s health. Lying butterfly pose can be extremely beneficial for people who suffer from insomnia as it helps in relieving pain and fatigue, improves mood and also improves flexibility.

Woman doing yoga touching toes with her hands

How to do it:

  1. Start by sitting on the ground or bed with both legs in front of you.
  2. Fold your legs in a position where your feet touch each other and the knees extend outwards. 
  3. Pull your feet a little towards your pelvis.
  4. Now slowly take your upper body backwards and start lying on your back.
  5. Rest your arms on the side.
  6. You can even keep a pillow under your spine to give it that extra support.


3. Forward bend or uttanasana:

Forward bend or Uttanasana is yet another effective pose of yoga to sleep well but requires a little bit of flexibility which you can build over time with practice. This pose is great for stretching your back and releasing tension, anxiety and headaches. 

Woman bending towards her feet

How to do it: 

  1. You can start by standing straight on the ground.
  2. Keep a little distance between your feet.
  3. Without bending your knees, bend your upper body forward.
  4. You can place your hands on the floor besides your feet.
  5. Remember to keep your knees as straight as possible.
  6. Next, try to bring your head as close as possible to your legs.
  7. Remain in that position for a minute and then release.


4. Corpse pose or savasana:

Corpse pose or savasana has been one of everyone’s favourite poses since childhood. It requires literally no effort at all just to lie down and is the best yoga pose for sleep and relaxation! It is the perfect asana for relieving stress and focusing the attention just to your breathing. A perfect asana to calm your mind and bring it to peace.

Woman performing savasana

How To do it:

  1. Lie down straight on your back on the floor or bed.
  2. Try to keep your legs and arms straight.
  3. Keep your arms a little away from your body.
  4. Let your legs lose.
  5. Relax your body, eyes and mind.
  6. Focus on your breathing and enjoy.


5. Legs up the wall pose or viparita karani pose:

Legs up the wall pose or viparita karani pose is another basic yet effective asana for insomnia. Even this pose not only helps with insomnia but also helps with other health issues too. It helps with calming and relaxing the body. It even helps with promoting and improving blood circulation to various body parts. 

How to do it:

  1. Lie down on the ground or bed.
  2. Start crawling up your feet up on the wall.
  3. Pushing your hips towards the wall.
  4. Place your hands on either side of your body.
  5. Relax and focus on your breathing.
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