Essentials Every Woman Must Have for Self Defense

4 minute

Highlights Each of these non-lethal and safe self-defense equipment for women plays a vital part in defending them from wrongdoers. These can also urge women to think about their safety and become more aware of how to defend themselves from attacks.

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"It's better to be safe than sorry," as the popular adage goes. We pondered how we could be safer after hearing it at times, while at other times, we rolled our eyes and implored our parents to leave us alone. Safety, on the other hand, should never be overlooked, especially in these times. Every day, we hear or read a new tale about a woman being raped, harassed, or worsened, and it makes us feel sick to our stomach. Women must do all possible to protect themselves, and safety has never been more crucial. It is always interesting and insightful to talk about the necessary safety items that women carry to protect themselves. Women carry the following self defense essential items to protect themselves, and you should as well.


Self Defense Tips for Women: 8 Ways to Protect Yourself

The following are the 8 self defense essential items that women should carry to protect themselves from assault:

  1. Pepper Mist

Pepper spray, the age-old classic, is a fantastic, and a must have self defense weapon. It's incredibly unpleasant and can even be used remotely. It is carried by many people, especially, as a form of self defense for women. It's simple to transport and utilize. However, it is possible that it will irritate your eyes, so be cautious! And an alternate, easily available option would be to keep any pain-relief spray handy. It is highly recommended and a must have, basic self defense product.

Pepper Mist

  1. Use a Taser

A good old electric shock is the ultimate "don't mess with me" signal. Tasers are one of the most prevalent self defense gadgets carried by women, and they are quite effective. A single button is all it takes to shoot small lightning bolts down the attacker's body. They'll never approach you, or any other lady for that matter.

Use a Taser

  1. A Pencil with a Sharp Point

If used correctly, a sharp pointed pencil can be highly painful. It's an underappreciated self defense weapon that can be utilized to defend oneself against those who wish to harm you. It's simple to transport, especially in locations where pepper spray and tasers are prohibited. The most important thing is to keep it sharp at all times!

A Pencil with a Sharp Point

  1. Baton that folds

Fighting an assault with folding batons or rods are quite effective self defense gadgets. They're simple to carry (they can simply be connected to your keys), long-lasting, and straightforward to use if you've ever swung a cricket bat or played badminton. Most importantly, they cause pain. So, so horribly. Your attacker will be on the ground for hours if you hit him between the legs. It is an amazing self defense product.

Baton that folds

  1. Pocket knife

The Pocket Knife, the most versatile self defense instrument, is known for being an all-in-one survival kit. It comes with a corkscrew, tweezer, scissor, and screwdrivers, among other things. The finest element is that it has numerous blades and sharp extensions that can cause major injury (bloody injuries). They're about the size of a finger and can efficiently fend off any type of attack. They also make you feel cool and self-sufficient, which is always a plus.

Pocket knife

  1. GPS Tracking Device

Having a dedicated GPS tracker with you might be quite beneficial. It's always a good idea to broadcast your whereabouts via phone apps, but if something goes wrong, your phone could break, fall out, or even be turned off or destroyed on purpose. Very such cases, a GPS tracker comes in handy. They can be streamlined and clipped to your clothes, wallet, or even shoes.

GPS Tracking Device

  1. A Whistle 

Nothing frightens an assailant like a deafening, loud whistle that draws attention to his crime. All women must carry whistles, which might be as little as a thumb. Use it as a scream for aid the moment you sense someone is about to abuse you!

A Whistle 

  1. Some Self Defense Fundamentals

While this isn't something that can be carried, it is necessary in the event of an attack. Basic self defense practices are essential for all women. We need to learn how to break free from chokeholds, how to injure guys where it hurts, and how to knock someone out. The best part is that you can learn these on YouTube! So please get started as soon as possible and transform into a softer, but no less lethal, version of a Charlie's Angel.

Some Self Defense Fundamentals

It is always important to be aware all the time. Additionally, do not forget to utilize the Centralized Emergency Number(CEN)-112 whenever needed, without a second thought. New generation mobile phones are available with a built-in feature- pressing the power button thrice would raise an alarm in the Central Emergency Units(CEU) and you will be tracked down, without any delay. Interestingly, I learned a fact from a police officer, that even while traveling alone you can contact the CEU-112 if your vehicle breaks down on the way to your destination. It is even suggested to act-talk-call, where a person when senses any kind of insecurity can randomly pick up her phone and start talking- basically, like sharing information of the place, informing about the people around you. It doesn’t matter if in reality you have dialed someone or not.

No matter how frightening the situation gets inside you, just remember to be brave outside- FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!


What do you have in your bag to keep yourself safe? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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How to use a pepper mist?
Pepper spray, the age-old classic, is a fantastic, and a must have self defense weapon. It's incredibly unpleasant and can even be used remotely. It is carried by many people, especially, as a form of self defense for women. It's simple to transport and utilize. However, it is possible that it will irritate your eyes, so be cautious! And an alternate, easily available option would be to keep any pain-relief spray handy. It is highly recommended and a must have, basic self defense product.