International Men's Day: Things you Must do to Ensure Good Health of all Boys at your Home

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Highlights Every year, 19 November is celebrated as International Men’s Day. Through this blog, we aim at discussing how we as women can take care of men’s health and well-being by doing a few small but significant things.

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Women’s Day is something we’re all aware of. Everyone knows that on March 8 women across every sphere and from all walks of life are celebrated and applauded. Another day which equally deserves our attention is International Men’s Day (November 19). While there are no offers, freebies and special celebrations on this day, the positive value men bring to the world, society, community and their family is recognised. The aim of the event is to promote basic awareness towards men’s issues. The global awareness day throws light on how men too like women may be victims of abuse, homelessness, suicide and parental alienation. In short, it is a day for men and about men.

While there are a lot of ways in which we can commemorate Men’s Day, through this blog, we aim at discussing how you can ensure the good health of all your boys at home.

a family having quality time in a garden

Tips to Keep all the Boys at your Home Healthy

In today’s day and age, it is important for everybody irrespective of their age to be in the pink of their health. Whether it’s your father, grandfather, husband or son, here’s what you can do to ensure they lead a happy and healthy life.

  • Watch out for signs of anxiety and stress

Work, school and social media can all be sources of stress and anxiety. It can have a negative impact on their health. Stress is something which affects kids and adults in equal measure. As a mother, wife or daughter, you must spot early symptoms and find ways in which they can manage their stress. Stress management strategies are different for kids and adults. As a parent, you must work with your child to identify what is troubling them. You must ask them to speak out. To help them overcome their stress, you can encourage activities such as playing a board game, writing a journal or taking a walk in the park.

Similarly, if your father or husband is undergoing a stressful situation, you can help by creating a healthy environment. Let them know that you’re there for them and they can speak to you whenever they feel like venting. On the other hand, if they’re turning to smoking or drinking to deal with negative stress, discourage them. Open communication is key to cope with stress.

  • Exercise together

How about a family exercise day? Sounds like fun, right? A sure-shot strategy to ensure all the men in your household are fit is to devote one day in the week to exercising together. It also strengthens the emotional bond within the family. While you can take a walk at a park near you, there are other fun things you can do too. For example, sign-up for a Zumba class. Look at classes near you that allow men and women of all age-groups. Book a slot for your family and we’re pretty sure you will have a great time. The point is for all of you to exercise and have some fun at the same time. It creates a lot of positivity too. If the boys in your family are not up for a Zumba class and want something more relaxed, Yoga is great too. It can do wonders to their posture, mood and flexibility.

  • Get them to help with preparing a meal

There is a lot of stereotyping when it comes to cooking and cleaning. These household chores are a matter of choice and not a matter of gender. Men usually don’t come into the kitchen because they feel like the woman of the house will do it all. This Men’s Day, you can change that notion by involving men in domestic tasks around the house. Whether it’s cooking or cleaning, ask them to contribute. They will do it happily. Make it a family activity and get everyone to do something. A couple of years ago, during the COVID lockdown, it was really fun to see men across the world helping with daily chores, cooking and serving the family. As a parent, it’s good to teach your children young. When everyone in a household collectively helps each other, they can be happy and healthy.

  • Talk about being healthy

Your family’s health is your wealth. The only way you can help those around you is by talking about being healthy. Teach them about the importance of consuming nourishing foods, a balanced diet, getting a certain amount of physical activity every week and regular health check-ups. Tell them about the ill-effects of junk food, smoking and drinking. Talk to them about how an overly salty or sugary diet can affect their moods. Compared to women, men have bad eating habits. Consuming too many calories at once can lead to weight gain, indigestion and other health issues. We as women can bring about change in our homes by educating all the men and boys about eating healthy.

  • Change one habit at a time

Change is not something that happens overnight. Also, it can be pretty tempting to change every negative into a positive. Well, if you aspire for your family to make multiple changes to their lifestyle such as eating better, getting a goodnight’s sleep, exercising or spending more time together, don’t do it all at once. Changing a certain behaviour usually takes time. Take it slow and start with one behaviour. This way you’re more likely to experience success. If someone in your family is still struggling to reverse their unhealthy habits, consider seeking help from a health professional.

This International Men’s Day, care for the betterment of your grandfather, father, husband or son by doing all the things mentioned above. Sometimes, men forget to take care of themselves. Constant support can definitely make life easy and better.


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